Dear Guests, dear Eastercup-Family,
after 2 tough weeks full with organisation and a lot of logistics we like to give all of you a big big applause wherever you are coming from. It doesn`t matter if you are participating as a player/fan/supporter/referee/volunteer/parents etc., all of you made this kidsevent legendary. Next event is coming soon: 17-21st of April 2025
The invitation for Eastercup 2k25 is getting online around August/September this year. We are preparing now all deposits for refund until end of the week! Have a nice summer, wishing all injured player a quick recovery and hope to see some of you on tournaments in Europe!
**IMPORTANT** Good To Know Part II
Dear Guests, dear Coaches, dear Teammanagers!
Here is „Good to know“ Part II.
Please read carefully:
1. Pls bring own balls
2. You will find all important news (and many of your questions)
3. Towels and linen: You`ll get linen at all hostel/hotels. Please bring
own towels at the following spots:–> Aletto Hotel / A&O Hostel
Hauptbahnhof / LSB Bildungsstätte / Amstel Hostel / Centre Francais de
4. Meal Schedule: Find our meal schedule enclosed(only for friday). If you can’t make it
in, please call here: +49151 150 769 26
and they will wrap it up as
food to go after the main hours after 2pm and 8pm. Please only do this in emergency cases, because it will cause a lot of work and especially waste of plastic resources etc. Times: Breakfast: 07-09.30 / Lunch: 12-15.00 / Dinner: 18-21.00, Catering here:,de/result/map/50181289
5. Office contact:
6. Office:,de/result/map/50568524
7. Wednesday you will find an updated version of rules , also the plan about Referee Table, Streaming etc. online here:
8. You can purchase Alba Tickets and BVG Tickets in the office, as long as we have them left. Latest possibility for ALBA is til Saturday 12am. Only cash payment. No guarantee we have tickets left.
9. Only cold shower @Court 2 and parking in/around Moabit on friday/sunday/monday for free
Dear Coaches/Teanmmanagers/Guests,
Thank you to everyone who waited patiently, here is the most important „Good to know“ Part I“ information about International Eastercup 2024.
- GAME PLAN is online: This is the link to the schedule & map
- ACCOMODATION: You will now find the place of your stay in your registration and also where you will have breakfast. We will send infos about what you need to bring „Towels etc“ in part II.
For cupcard Highschool: Please let us know til Monday when you arrive:
- CHECK IN: Thursday from 12am on. Every team needs to check in at the office (Court 1) prior to playing. You will receive your cupcard, public transport tickets, t shirts. Please have an IBAN or bank account number for us so we will know where to refund the deposit. ONLY by transfer, not by cash. Therefore you won’t need to check out.
Please don’t bring your teams, otherwise it will be too crowded.
Check in Hotels/Hostels from 3pm. Cupcard Highschool from 5/6pm.
4. ALBA GAME: Please fill out the form till Monday 25th of March if you want to buy tickets for the Alba Game vs Hamburg Towers, Sunday 31st of March:
We will send more information regarding housing and food in Part II of „Good to know“
Breakfast: 07-09.30 / Lunch: 12-15.00 / Dinner: 18-21.00, Catering here:,de/result/map/50181289
Openers on 28th of March + BIG THANK YOU TO CDF
Furthermore a big shout-out to CDF for the support of our project. It`s a big thing for us and gives our kidsproject high motivation and more energy for giving the best @Eastercup 2024
Registration done, Solidsports is in
So happy to announce that Solidsports will be a big puzzle again on Eastercup 2024. More than 140 teams are taking part in 2k24. Unfortunately AS Delfini(former champion WC) jumped out on that day. Playing Minigolf is possible from TH-SU. Bildungsmarkt made the deal possible, thank you so much. Come with your team and get access for 1 €/game. Your Coach gets in 4free. All information right here:
Less beds left, basic information & youthcamp with Ronny Weihmann
1 month to go for the first tip-off. There are arounds 20 beds(only 2bedrooms) @Cupcard College. 2 teams could fit if they join with around 10 participants each. You can click it online again. All participants @Cupcard College need to bring own towels or pay an extra fee between 3-5 € per person. Those who are staying at Amstel Hostel House are recommended to bring flip flops. Guests who are located at Hotel Tiergarten or do have singles/doubles at Hotel Aletto/A&O Hostel doesnt need to bring own towels! Reminder: schedule drops out together with the rooming-list around 22nd of March! Deadline is ending 10th of March, sign in on time!!! In your registration we`ll mark the place of stay and breakfast-location. Cupcard College users are able to go to Hostels not before 3 pm on 28th of March.. Cupcard Highschool users get access to their accommodations mostly between 17-18.00 in the evening on arrivalday!
Register now for the YoungLions-Skills camp MADE IN MOABIT after EASTERCUP2k24:
Cupcard College available again + charging of…
We booked more beds @Cupcard College(Hostel). Beds(around 60) are only available until end of February – while stocks last. Please note: the hostel is outside of MOABIT! Teams also need to fill in cupshirt-sizes until end of february.
Since working together with cupmanager we cannot add teams to a higher/older competitions without costs. Therefore we charge 10 € each teams on their team-invoices in the system automatically. Example: GU20 can only play a final due of less team-registrations. They will play more matches with GU22 competition!
3 weeks until end of registration-deadline
Except Volleyball & 3×3 FIBA(20th of March) the official deadline for all other categories closes on 10th of March. If there are teams who like to attend later on we`ll take 50 € more of costs. During 09th-20th or March we work on the schedule:,de/result/map
Actually Cupcard College & NBA are sold out. Teams can still book Cupcard HIGHSCHOOL, Cupcard Berlin & organizing an „own accommodation“. Rules are updated mid of March:
Cupcard NBA is sold out & general information by video
Unfortunately Cupcard NBA is sold out beginning of February. Please go for Cupcard College. It`s almost the same quality in Berlin. Feel free to choose singles/doubles for cheaper prices! @singles/doubles towels are mostly provided. 4-8 bedrooms @cupcard college gets free linnen/sheets everywhere! The following accommodations can be booked until they are gone(first come first serve with the best places to stay at):Highschool–>40 % left/College–>15 % left/NBA–>sold out.
Registration for teams from Berlin & VOLLEYBALL
We are “GODS OF THE VOLLEY”, a young Ukrainian Volleyball project and also a youth movement, we began our development path in August 2023 in Germany.
We train people in this wonderful sport like volleyball, our community consists of young, adult and mature people who want to learn volleyball, as well as spend time in a sports and cultural society aimed at developing physical and spiritual qualities.
The newest segment added to the Eastercup story is VOLLEYBALL!
International teams from different continents and countries around the world are invited to our tournament. Teams and their participants, as well as team captains and/or coaches, must take into account that this tournament is held in a “Mix” format (minimum 2 girls), so participating teams must take this into account whe they do registration.
The tournament will be held in a classic format, indoors in one or more halls provided by our partners – BC Lions Moabit 21 e.V.
Our partner is – BС Lions Moabit – with whom we met in August 2023 and to this day we are in strong working and friendly relationships. This year we had the opportunity to be participants and also, at the same time, organizers of a volleyball tournament as part of the annual Eastercup 2024. We are happy to take part in such a large-scale event as organizers, as well as participants. Volleyball takes place on 31st March to 1st of April – arrivalday is the 30th of March. Registration-Form for Volleyball is online now! Deadline is the 20th of March to register!!! International teams & teams from outside of Berlin needing accommodation/visa should contact the LOC!!!!
Regarding the public-transport tickets of teams from Berlin/Brandenburg(location/living at these spots) we found a nice solution. A private sponsor who doesnt want to be mention, will be take over the costs. The costs won`t show up on your invoice but need to be proved at office . The public transport ticket
, BVG, is saying since day 1: All or nobody. Feel free to register until 10th of March here: for all categories except VOLLEYBALL + FIBA 3X3!