Less beds left, basic information & youthcamp with Ronny Weihmann

1 month to go for the first tip-off. There are arounds 20 beds(only 2bedrooms) @Cupcard College. 2 teams could fit if they join with around 10 participants each. You can click it online again. All participants @Cupcard College need to bring own towels or pay an extra fee between 3-5 € per person. Those who are staying at Amstel Hostel House are recommended to bring flip flops. Guests who are located at Hotel Tiergarten or do have singles/doubles at Hotel Aletto/A&O Hostel doesnt need to bring own towels! Reminder: schedule drops out together with the rooming-list around 22nd of March! Deadline is ending 10th of March, sign in on time!!! In your registration we`ll mark the place of stay and breakfast-location. Cupcard College users are able to go to Hostels not before 3 pm on 28th of March.. Cupcard Highschool users get access to their accommodations mostly between 17-18.00 in the evening on arrivalday!

Register now for the YoungLions-Skills camp MADE IN MOABIT after EASTERCUP2k24: