Dear Coaches/Teanmmanagers/Guests,

Thank you to everyone who waited patiently, here is the most important „Good to know“ Part I“ information about International Eastercup 2024.

  1. GAME PLAN is online: This is the link to the schedule & map https://eastercup-moabit.de/schedule-results/
  2. ACCOMODATION: You will now find the place of your stay in your registration and also where you will have breakfast. We will send infos about what you need to bring „Towels etc“ in part II. 
    For cupcard Highschool: Please let us know til Monday when you arrive: https://www.umfrageonline.com/c/d7nxqkxe
  3. CHECK IN: Thursday from 12am on. Every team needs to check in at the office (Court 1) prior to playing. You will receive your cupcard, public transport tickets, t shirts. Please have an IBAN or bank account number for us so we will know where to refund the deposit. ONLY by transfer, not by cash. Therefore you won’t need to check out. 
    Please don’t bring your teams, otherwise it will be too crowded.
    Check in Hotels/Hostels from 3pm. Cupcard Highschool from 5/6pm.

        4. ALBA GAME: Please fill out the form till Monday 25th of March if you want to buy tickets for the Alba Game vs Hamburg Towers, Sunday 31st of March:         ​​​​​​​    ​​​​​​​https://www.umfrageonline.com/c/eciyaiqh 

We will send more information regarding housing and food in Part II of „Good to know“
Breakfast: 07-09.30 / Lunch: 12-15.00 / Dinner: 18-21.00, Catering here: https://internationaleastercup.cups.nu/2024,de/result/map/50181289