Over 1000 participants, Deadline & Transport

Within the date of 26th of January the numbers of participants reached the mark of 1k. The following accommodations can be booked until they are gone(first come first serve with the best places to stay at):Highschool–>55 % left/College–>20 % left/NBA–>30 % left. International Eastercup is still a kidsproject, we are not the Olympic Games etc.

Public transport tickets can be delivered to airport SXF & ZOB. We`ll drop down a list online for all teams in needing for public transport tickets mid of March. Volleyball is the seocnd sport in International Eastercup 2k24. Registration-Deadline for teams is ending 10th of March exactly. WE STILL got some beds left for parents/fans etc. Please contact office@eastercup-moabit.de.

Program and additional nights

Proudly presenting the program of International Eastercup 2k24. Come and see what you get there!

Some of the teams freequently asked: Can we arrive earlier or stay longer in Berlin?
–>Of course, indeed! Extranights are available for 4-6 beds at Hotel: Ca. 40 €/person, Hostel: Ca. 30€/person. Both including breakfast! Additional nights @Cupcard Highschool almost not possible–>only by request before fixing registration, thank you!

800 participants so far/2 months to go/accommodations

At the moment there are around 800 participants including referees and volunteers locked in. We do expect double times numbers in year 11. The following countries are part in 2024: Albania, Austria, Czech-Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Great-Britain, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sri-Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunesia, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe!!!
Last date to sign is the 10th of March. Teams can still ask for cheaper beds for parents etc.
At the end of February Eastercup will publish all registrated team on their map and spread some lists to fill in!

The following accommodations can be booked until they are gone(first come first serve with the best places to stay at):Highschool–>70 % left/College–>45 % left/NBA–> 40 % left. International Eastercup is still a kidsproject, we are not the Olympic Games etc.

New category, program, accommodations & ALBA-Game

We do have a new category: U24 for boys and girls born in 2000 and younger. End of January teams are able to register for it online. ALBA BBL/Euroleague team plays vs Hamburg Towers on sunday. Get cheaper tickets over office.(Game-schedule before tickets), Each ticket is 16 €(category 2/3). Fill in into a list during March on our website. Latest order @Check-In on arrivalday!

The program in 2024 is almost the same as in 2023: –>https://eastercup-moabit.de/official-ball-program-camp/. You`ll find all accommodations for now here: https://internationaleastercup.cups.nu/2023,de/result/map

Molten still Ballpartner @ Eastercup Moabit & Wishes

Since 2017 Molten.de is the offical partner for balls. On each court Eastercup is providing 2 balls for warm-up. We are using BGMX7-C/BGMX6-C/BGMX5-C. We are very happy about the cooperation since day 1 and would like to give a big big thank you to M. Wedler, awesome!Please note: This annual we don`t spread or publish the name of the accommodation until the gameplan is online. Wishes can be spoken out, for sure.


Many referees registered theirselves for 2024. Those who are still considering this is the Referee-Deal(2PO) for 2k24:–>10€ per Game, 5-7 games on a full day, plus 2x Shirts, Referee-Award-Vote MIVR, get together with Refs , free food and public transport ticket, free housing @Cupcard Highschool or using our hostels/hotels for a fee per night(you can choose in your registration)!
3PO: https://officiatingscool.nl/subscriptions-to-eyeopenercamp24-have-opened/

New record of participants for Eastercup 2024

Around 500 participants including referees used the deadline for early-bird-discount. Our small budget for early birds was smashed this year. We `d never expected so much registrations to the end of this deadline. First come first serve is the principle for the best locations. All registrations will be published now on our Instagram-Channel: https://www.instagram.com/internationaleastercupberlin/. We`ll work on all registrations beginning mid of January! Prizemoney goes to the wheelchair-category in 2024. Men and women senior-categories gets smaller prizemoney, first time in Eastercup history! Office is still using the same number: https://eastercup-moabit.de/office-reachability/

Hamm is the twin-city of Eastercup in 2024

Hamm is a city in west of Germany(district NRW). This year we decided for https://tus59-hammstars.de/. Berlin-Mitte, the disctrict where Moabit is belonging to, got different twin-cities. Thank you so much for the support of Bezirksamt Berlin-Mitte. What more else? 3 days before Early-Bird ´-Deadline we are happy to invite around 200 participants including referees for Eastercup 2024 at the end of March so far!