**IMPORTANT** Good To Know Part II

Dear Guests, dear Coaches, dear Teammanagers!

Here is „Good to know“ Part II. 
Please read carefully:

1. Pls bring own balls
2. You will find all important news (and many of your questions)
here: https://eastercup-moabit.de/category/news/
3. Towels and linen: You`ll get linen at all hostel/hotels. Please bring
own towels at the following spots:–> Aletto Hotel / A&O Hostel
Hauptbahnhof / LSB Bildungsstätte / Amstel Hostel / Centre Francais de
–> https://eastercup-moabit.de/less-beds-left-basic-information-youthcamp-with-ronny-weihmann/

4. Meal Schedule: Find our meal schedule enclosed(only for friday). If you can’t make it
in, please call here: +49151 150 769 26
 and they will wrap it up as
food to go after the main hours after 2pm and 8pm. Please only do this in emergency cases, because it will cause a lot of work and especially waste of plastic resources etc. Times: Breakfast: 07-09.30 / Lunch: 12-15.00 / Dinner: 18-21.00, Catering here: https://internationaleastercup.cups.nu/2024,de/result/map/50181289

5. Office contact: https://eastercup-moabit.de/office-reachability/
6. Office: https://internationaleastercup.cups.nu/2024,de/result/map/50568524
7. Wednesday you will find an updated version of rules , also the plan about Referee Table, Streaming etc. online here: https://eastercup-moabit.de/schedule-results/
8. You can purchase Alba Tickets and BVG Tickets in the office, as long as we have them left. Latest possibility for ALBA is til Saturday 12am. Only cash payment. No guarantee we have tickets left. 
9. Only cold shower @Court 2 and parking in/around Moabit on friday/sunday/monday for free