Dear Guests,
the registration-deadline passed on 15th of March. 3 teams jumped with a late-night-call into the schedule. We are working on the schedule now. You`ll gonna see it on our webiste end of March. 137 teams within around 80 referees and 110 volunteers are coming from around 30 different nations in 20 different competitions, amazing!
We updated the rules for 2023 as well–>
The is supporting our kidsproject with trophies & medals for all our teams. We are really thankful! Additional the political parties of CDU/SPD/Linke are donating us trophies too, thank you so much!
Information for parents:
– Parents are able to buy public transport tickets & ALBA Tickets until 8th of April @office
– We still got some less single/doublebeds at Hotel Tiergarten
– To buy additional meal-packages at our catering-arena is possible too
Courts and accommodations are online–>,de/result/map