New nutrition-project based on the big Eastercup-Project 2023

BC Lions Moabit ist ein Projektverein. Der Club hat sich dem Thema Ernährung in 20/21 gewidmet, weil schnell bemerkt wurde, wie wenig eigentlich unsere Kids und Jugendlichen darüber wissen. Es ist erschreckend, welche Grundlagen fehlen und was die Kinder zeitlich + örtlich in sich hinein“stopfen“. Als Beispiel: Was esse ich vor einem Training/Spiel und in welcher Zeit zuvor sollte ich das tun, damit das Training/Spiel auch solide wird. Über diese, aber vor allem über praktische Sachverhalte möchte der Projektverein mit diesem schönen Projekt zum Nachdenken anregen und neue Reize bei Kindern setzen. Dabei werden die Kinder live dabei sein, wenn es um Ostern an 5 Tagen bei Deutschlands größtem Basketballturnier(Eastercup) eine Küche gibt, bei der sie selbst mitwirken werden. Nach dem Eastercup werden die Praxistage besprochen und die Herausforderungen erörtert, bevor es dann Richtung Sommerferien zu einem Live-Videodreh auf Instagram in der Küche unseres Sport & Kulturzentrums kommt.  Erst Praxis – dann Theorie – final wieder Praxis. So der Projekttitel des Projektes.
BC Lions Moabit is a project association. The club has dedicated itself to the topic of nutrition in 20/21 because it was quickly noticed how little our kids and young people actually know about it. It is frightening what basics are missing and what the children „cramp“ into themselves in terms of time and place. As an example: What should I eat before a training session/game and how long beforehand should I eat it so that the training session/game is solid. With this beautiful project, the project association would like to stimulate thinking about these, but above all about practical facts, and set new stimuli for children. The children will be there live when there is a kitchen for 5 days around Easter at Germany’s largest basketball tournament (Easter Cup), in which they themselves will be involved. After the Easter Cup, the practical days are discussed and the challenges discussed before there is a live video shoot on Instagram in the kitchen of our sports and culture center towards the summer holidays. First practice – then theory – finally practice again. So the project title of the project.


Feel free to give us a call or use WA at the end of November: +49(0)170 618 2190

Why being vaccinated with the age of 14 and older?

Maybe you`ll remember the last 2 years. Furthermore we need to think about over 1500 other participants. It`s just a precautional measure. You`ll never know what kind of restrictions are coming up. At the moment we`ll only do have masc-mandatory in public transports here.

ALBA Berlin BBL Game during Eastercup 2023

The Euroleague team ALBA Berlin plays against BG Göttingen on 9th of April 2023. Feel free to get cheaper tickets over Eastercup-Office! Ticketprices are around 16 € per person category 3-4. Game will be played on 19.00 on sunday. If Eastercup-Teams do have game-schedule, we don`t make exceptions, sry!

What is going on in 2023?

MOABIT is preparing for his special kids-event in 2023 – 10th annual edition of kidsproject(„von Kindern für Kinder“) International Eastercup Berlin-Moabit. The goal is to got every neighbour-country of Germany in the house in 2k23. Furthermore we concentrate more on EU-Projects, so feel free to contact us if you need a cooperationpartner. The accommodation-situation, especially in MOABIT/Tiergarten is going worse, around spots of Moabit/Tiergarten no problem. Therefore we are still able to purchase everybody, parents as well, with a public-transport ticket for Berlin ABC. The invitation goes online mid of September. Teams coming with over 30 members still got discount. If you need a lower priced rentstation to travel to/in Berlin, feel free to contact our office. They got a special deal with Enterprise. Most active Social-Media-Account is/was FB:

Lost & Found

We put down a folder including all pictures via our FB-Fanpage:

Please have a look if something is yours. Feel free to send an email to within your name & address. For all regular guests we`ll come back in summer with a nice surprise!

EASTERCUP-MOABIT in 2k23: –>6th to 10th of April 2023!

International Eastercup Berlin-Moabit 2022 is in the books

International Eastercup Berlin-Moabit 2022 FIBA winners are GU14: BVMV / BU14: Nothwestern Basketball Academy, congratulations!

We had a great time with Eastercup family. Finally we are back! After last year’s „light Version“-Eastercup, we restarted out of corona-treated times.

Over 1000 players and coaches, over 100 teams in 18 categories from over 20 nations, more than 25 referees and over 50 volunteers has helped to give everybody a very special memory after 2 years without almost doing nothing.

The longest journey of this year’s tournament had our guests from Dudullu OSB(Turkey). There is a nice article on the website of TSG Bruchsal, by the way our Fairplay-Throphy-Winner this year:

A big THANK YOU to all teams, referees, volunteers, sponsors, partners, parents etc…We hope you enjoyed every moment and we hope to see you again next year–>6th to 10th of April 2023!

Lost items will be online end of next week – best of pictures are on @ FB: again).



Eastercup @21Hoops-Podcast:

The big recap will be online after the weekend here:

Some nice pictures are online here:

THANK YOU so much for taking part @Eastercup2k22

Registration for TEAMS & REFEREES is online around August:
Recaps and more on our Insta-Fanpage:
Ready for International Eastercup Berlin-Moabit 2k23?

Office is back @ Court 1

To make it easier for everybody Eastercup goes back to Court 1 FOR ALL DAYS(friday to monday). Feel free to come Alt-Moabit 10, entrance over Claire-Waldoff-Promenade.


The teststation close to A&O Hostel is completely closed since 15th of April. There is another one near by, Seydlitzstraße 6, 10557 Berlin everyday from 08am to 08pm.